HIV and Pregnancy: What is the Guidance?


Martina L. Badell, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
Martina L. Badell, MD

Martina L. Badell, MD is  an Associate Professor in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine, with an interest in infectious diseases in pregnancy. Dr. Badell is the Director of the Emory Perinatal Centers, regional referral centers for high-risk pregnant women in Georgia.  She is also the Director of the Grady Health System HIV in Pregnancy clinic. Additionally, Dr. Badell has guest researcher status at the Centers for Disease Control which has allowed her the opportunity to work with skilled research teams on the study of infectious diseases in pregnancy.

Janeli Alejandra
HIV Advocate
Mother of 3
San Antonio, TX
Janeli Alejandra

Janeli Alejandra is a full-time working mother and wife who dabbles in stigma breaking. She’s been living with HIV for 13 years and uses social media to advocate for the destigmatizing of HIV. She and her husband use their social media accounts to help educate others on HIV testing, living and thriving with HIV, and giving birth while HIV+. All of Janeli’s children are HIV- , healthy, and living normal lives alongside their 3 dogs and HIV+ parents.

Florence Momplaisir, MD, MSHP, FACP
Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases
Associate Chief for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Florence Momplaisir, MD, MSHP, FACP

Florence Momplaisir, MD, MSHP, is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases (ID) at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Momplaisir is also Vice Chief for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in ID and Senior Fellow of the Penn Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. Her clinical research focuses on improving postpartum retention and viral suppression of pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV and on decreasing racial disparities in HIV prevalence among U.S. populations. She is currently the Principal Investigator (PI) for 3 Research Project Grants (R01) focusing on using peer-led and organizational-level behavioral interventions to improve HIV care continuum outcomes of people living with HIV. She is an expert panel member of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Perinatal HIV Treatment guidelines committee. Dr. Momplaisir serves as Co-Director of a Center For AIDS Research (CFAR) Scientific Working Group focused on using implementation science methods to end the HIV epidemic regionally. In this capacity, she fosters the growth of early career investigators interested in work at the intersection of HIV, HIV prevention, and implementation science research.


Statement of Need

Caring for patients living with HIV (PLWH) is challenging, especially regarding pregnancy. However, recent updates to the Perinatal HIV Clinical Practice Guidelines can provide guidance and necessitate educating caregivers on the best practices for caring for PLWH who are pregnant, planning to conceive, or are postpartum. These patients face tremendous discrimination when seeking medical advice and care regarding conception and pregnancy even when they have an undetectable viral load and have zero risk of transmitting HIV. Practitioners need to know that the Guidelines offer specific advice to address the needs of PLWH related to the use of antiretroviral (ARV) therapies before, during, and after pregnancy as well as advice on topics such as breastfeeding to prevent HIV transmission.

In this CME Outfitters Snack, expert faculty will discuss ways to adapt guideline recommendations into practice for PLWH who seek to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are postpartum, including patient cases to illustrate best practices for caring for these unique patients and their particular needs.

Learning Objective

Integrate guideline-recommended HIV management into pregnancy and perinatal care.

Financial Support

This program has been supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Target Audience

HIV specialist physicians, OB/GYNs, primary care practitioners (PCPs), physician associates (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), nurses, and pharmacists.

Credit Information

Jointly Accredited Provider

In support of improving patient care, CME Outfitters, LLC, is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Interprofessional (IPCE) 1.0

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 1.0 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) Credit for learning and change.

Physicians (ACCME) 1.0

CME Outfitters, LLC, designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Physician Assistants (AAPA): 1.0

CME Outfitters, LLC, has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 1.0 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. Approval is valid until the expiration date listed above. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.

Nurses (ANCC) 1.0

This activity is designated for 1.0 contact hour.

Note for California Nurses

California Residents: Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15510, for   Contact Hours.

Pharmacists (ACPE) 1.0

This application-based activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour (0.10 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy credit.
Activity UAN: JA0007185-0000-23-061-H01-P


Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 1.0 medical knowledge MOC point in the American Board of Internal Medicine's (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.

MIPS Improvement Activity

Completion of this accredited CME activity meets the expectations of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program (IA_PSPA_28) for the Merit-based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS). Clinicians should submit their improvement activities by attestation via the CMS Quality Payment Program website.

Royal College MOC

Through an agreement between the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, medical practitioners participating in the Royal College MOC Program may record completion of accredited activities registered under the ACCME’s “CME in Support of MOC” program in Section 3 of the Royal College’s MOC Program.

Disclosure Declaration

It is the policy of CME Outfitters, LLC, to ensure independence, balance, objectivity, and scientific rigor and integrity in all of their CE activities. Faculty must disclose to the participants any relationships with commercial companies whose products or devices may be mentioned in faculty presentations, or with the commercial supporter of this CE activity. CME Outfitters, LLC, has evaluated, identified, and mitigated any potential conflicts of interest through a rigorous content validation procedure, use of evidence-based data/research, and a multidisciplinary peer review process.

Dr. Badell reports no financial relationships to disclose.

Dr. Momplaisir reports no financial relationships to disclose.

Ms. Alejandra reports no financial relationships to disclose.

Disclosures were obtained from the CME Outfitters, LLC staff; no disclosures to report:

  • Joshua Caballero PharmD, BCPP, FCCP (peer reviewer)
  • Mary Gleason, PhD (planning committee)
  • Kellie Busby, PharmD (planning committee)
  • Susan H. Yarbrough, CHCP (planning committee)
  • Sandra Caballero, PharmD (planning committee)
  • Sharon Tordoff (planning committee)

Faculty of this CE activity may include discussions of products or devices that are not currently labeled for use by the FDA. The faculty have been informed of their responsibility to disclose to the audience if they will be discussing off-label or investigational uses (any uses not approved by the FDA) of products or devices.

Obtaining Credit

Post-tests, credit request forms, and activity evaluations must be completed online (requires free account activation), and participants can print their certificate or statement of credit immediately (75% pass rate required). This website supports all browsers except Internet Explorer for Mac. For complete technical requirements and privacy policy, visit our Privacy & Confidentiality page.

Questions about this activity?

Call us at 877.CME.PROS (877.263.7767).


HIV and Pregnancy: What is the Guidance?
Event Date: 08/04/2023 at 4:00 am EST