Staying Strong: Mastering Your HIV Medication Routine: 3-part Webisode

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Living with HIV presents unique challenges, but with resources and support, leading a vibrant, fulfilling life larger than HIV is achievable for all. This webisode series is designed to empower people living with HIV by providing practical strategies for maintaining antiretroviral therapy (ART, also known as ARV) medication adherence both in daily life and while traveling. Navigation of health insurance or the use of other programs to access the best care possible will also be addressed. Expert pharmacist and public health advocate Dr. Christina Madison, along with Doreen Moraa Moracha, a passionate HIV advocate and beautiful story living with HIV, discuss these topics and more in the series. Each webisode and associated resource materials will be available in both English and Spanish.

*Spanish translations and webisode 3, on travel with HIV, is coming soon in August 2024*


Webisode #1: ART Adherence: Solutions to Help You Stick With Your HIV Medications

Adherence to an HIV treatment regimen involves following and staying with all prescribed medications and treatments, and is key to achieving an undetectable viral load. Learn some tips and tricks for achieving and maintaining optimal ART adherence.

Watch Now: Webisode 1


Webisode 2: Navigating Insurance Challenges in HIV Treatment

Insurance coverage may be difficult to obtain and maintain with any medical treatment, but can be especially challenging for people needing treatment for HIV. This webisode will help identify strategies for overcoming insurance-related barriers to HIV treatment.

Watch Now: Webisode 2


Webisode 3: Bon Voyage, HIV Style: Ensuring Continuity of Care While Traveling

Traveling while maintaining a medication regimen and treatment therapies for HIV presents unique challenges. Learn how to preserve continuity of HIV care while still enjoying the benefits of domestic and international travel.

Watch Now: Webisode 3


HIV Travel Global Database

Click here to learn more about HIV-Specific Travel and Residence Restrictions.

HIV Travel Tips

Click here for travel tips for HIV positive travelers, tourists, and PrEP users.

Staying Strong: Mastering Your HIV Medication Routine: 3-part Webisode
Event Date: 07/31/2024