Blog Category: On-Demand

Combatting Vaccine Hesitancy: Having Effective, Meaningful, and Culturally Sensitive Conversations with Parents and Caregivers

Parents may hesitate to vaccinate their children for a number of reasons, including misinformation, lack of access, and mistrust in the healthcare community, particularly in underserved populations. Clinicians and nurses in particular are challenged to find ways to discuss vaccination …

Decoding Vaccine Hesitancy: Nuances Among Parents/Caregivers

Reasons for vaccine hesitancy among parents are often unknown to clinicians, including the pediatric and school nurses with whom parents interact. Parents may lack information or have misinformation about the need for vaccinations and possible health outcomes. While vaccine hesitancy …

Shedding Light on Bowel Urgency: Presenting the Latest Data and Initiating Conversations in Crohn’s Disease Management

Patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) frequently experience bowel urgency, a symptom resulting in rushing to the bathroom and sometimes causing loss of bowel control. The symptom of bowel urgency dramatically impacts patient quality of life (QoL), and can lead to …

The Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy and Under-Vaccination in Pediatric Patients

Vaccine hesitancy in parents can lead to under-vaccination or the complete lack of vaccination in children and adolescents. This has been linked to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Pediatric and school nurses are often the main source of information for parents …

NMOSD Unveiled: Optimizing Long-Term Outcomes in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder with Innovative Therapies

Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a relatively new term for a group of rare, demyelinating autoimmune diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS), particularly the optic nerves and spinal cord. In the past, NMOSD was conflated with multiple sclerosis …

Forging a New Frontier: Revolutionizing Iron Deficiency Therapy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Anemia occurs frequently in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is one of the most commonly seen extraintestinal manifestations of disease with iron deficiency (ID) as the most common cause. Practice guidelines recommend screening all patients with IBD regularly …

Recent and Emerging Therapeutic Options for Alzheimer’s Disease

In the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), health care professionals are in dire need of clinical confidence in the evidence-based potential of novel disease-modifying therapeutic options. Several promising classes of emerging agents such as amyloid-targeting humanized monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), incretin-based …

Current and Emerging Best Practices for the Timely Screening and Diagnosis of MCI Due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Dementia is most commonly caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a multifactorial progression of neurodegeneration in which the accumulation of amyloid-beta and tau proteins in the brain and chronic and dysregulated inflammatory processes lead to significant cognitive impairment. Though novel diagnostic …

Visualizing the Future: Advances in IL-23-Targeted Therapies in the Treatment of IBD.

Interleukin (IL)-23 has been identified as a main driver of inflammation in the pathology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). While all agents in this anti-IL-23 class neutralize IL-23 by binding of the Fab fragment, differences in Fc fragment may be …