HIV Patient Education Hub – PayWall

Your Source for HIV Patient Education & Tools

Welcome to the HIV Patient Education Hub. Here you will find educational videos and tools designed to help you better understand the importance of testing for HIV so that you know your HIV status and you can discuss your options with your health care provider.

Knowledge is power!  Our aim is to provide you with information you can use to have informed discussions with your health care provider, become your own best advocate, and improve your health outcomes and quality of life.
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[u_heading]Patient Videos[/u_heading]

An Animated Look at HIV

This easy-to-understand animated video will provide you with useful information to better understand HIV, its routes of transmission, and currently available prevention and treatment strategies.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.

Know Your HIV Status: Get Tested to Protect Yourself and Protect Others

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Everyone should be tested for HIV at least once. Others with certain risk factors may need to be tested more often. Dr. David Wohl talks about the rationale for getting tested for HIV, where to get tested, the importance of preventing infection and transmission of HIV with pre-exposure prophylaxis if your HIV test is negative, and your treatment options if your test is positive.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.

Take the First Step: What to Expect from HIV Treatment

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If you have tested positive for HIV, what next? Dr. David Wohl will help you understand what to expect from treatment, including why it is important to start treatment early and take your medicine every day, what you should look out for, and potential side effects of HIV treatment.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.

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[u_heading]Meet the Faculty[/u_heading]

David Alain Wohl, MD
Professor of Medicine
Site Leader, Global HIV Prevention & Treatment Research Site
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC

In response to the HIV pandemic, Dr. Wohl has focused his career on optimizing the treatment of HIV infection, including identifying the most effective therapeutic approaches and minimizing the adverse effects of therapy. Cognizant that HIV disproportionately affects the most vulnerable, he has worked to improve HIV care and prevention for often marginalized individuals such as the incarcerated, men who have sex with men, and those living in poverty. In addition to his research and administrative activities, Dr. Wohl maintains a large HIV continuity clinic at UNC. Dr. Wohl is an excellent teacher, and CME Outfitters is grateful to him for sharing his time and expertise on the topic.

Jonah K. Pierce, RN, ACRN
HIV Patient Care Coordinator
University of North Carolina Infectious Diseases Clinic
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC

Jonah Pierce, RN, ACRN, is the HIV Patient Care Coordinator at the University of North Carolina Infectious Diseases Clinic. He has been certified as an Aids Care RN (ACRN) for 12 years and received the Joanne Ruiz Achievement Award for Excellence in HIV Care. Recently, he was elected as Director-at-Large on the board of directors for The Association of Nurses in Aids Care.

African Heritage PA Caucus
The African Heritage PA Caucus is an international unified vehicle of mentorship, giving rise to professional leaders charged with the continued empowerment of physician assistants of African heritage and the populations they serve.  Visit the AHPAC website here.

[u_heading]Downloadable Tools[/u_heading]

HIV Patient Guide

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Download this guide to understand the basics of HIV, from how HIV is transmitted to the importance of testing, and for useful links and resources including an HIV patient risk questionnaire.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.

HIV Risk Questionnaire

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Testing for HIV is recommended for everyone. This questionnaire is designed to help you and your health care provider decide if you should be tested for HIV. Please note that the information collected in this questionnaire is private between you and your health care provider.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.

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[u_heading]Nursing Teaching Tools[/u_heading]

What to Know about HIV: From Testing to Treatment

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This series of patient education slides will enable nurses in the community, including primary care, OB/GYN, and urgent care practices, provide useful information to their patients regarding HIV prevention and testing, linkage to care, and the importance of treatment adherence.  Accede a este recurso en español aquí.