Stay Informed While Earning IBD CME Credits
Challenges abound for patients and clinicians alike when it comes to managing gastrointestinal diseases, making it imperative that all stakeholders on the care team—including the patient—continue to hone their knowledge, confidence, and best practice strategies to improve outcomes. CME Outfitters provides clinicians with the education and resources necessary to optimize their approach to clinical care for patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Through a mutual recognition agreement between the AMA and the UEMS-EACCME, European health care providers completing an e-learning activity from a US-based ACCME-accredited CME provider can use AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ toward their credit requirements. CME Outfitters is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Please retain your certificate as proof of completion.
These activities offer credit for gastroenterologists, primary care physicians, PAs, nurse practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists.