International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) – CMEO Joint Providership Content Review Form

Instructions: Please review the attached course materials and complete the following. As a reviewer for CME Outfitters, LLC (CMEO), your role is to assure that the educational materials are: 1) fair, balanced, and free of bias towards any commercial interest or proprietary business; 2) adhering to stated learning objectives; and 3) are accurate, up-to-date, clinically relevant, and scientifically rigorous. Moreover, you are expected to scrutinize patient treatment recommendations to assure that they represent a standard of practice within the US. Please review all studies cited in these materials upon which recommendations are made to assure their scientific rigor and objectivity, as well as conformity to research principles and practices generally accepted by the scientific community. Finally, please review the materials from the perspective of omissions and commissions.


Please provide specific feedback/comments on this form and the associated materials (slides, etc.) provided. If/when referencing slides or pages, please include slide or page numbers.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Presence or Absence of Commercial Bias

1. Based on the materials provided, is this activity offer fair balance?
2. Are ALL the available products/treatment strategies related to the topic equally presented?
3. Does the content, polling questions, and/or case studies present misleading information or bias towards a specific product or treatment strategy?
4. Is it apparent from the content of the materials what company supported the activity?
5. Are there similar types of categories of data presented for each of the products or treatment strategies presented, including any or all of the following: efficacy, safety, tolerability, monotherapy, polytherapy, or other factors?
6. Are drugs or devices consistently referred by their generic identifier?
7. Overall, how objective or biased are these educational materials regarding commercial products?

Clinical Recommendations & Scientific Validity

1. Are clinical recommendations based on evidence?
2. Are all sources of evidence cited fully and appropriately?
3. Do scientific studies in these materials conform to standards accepted by the scientific/research community?
4. Is the highest-level evidence available cited for each/every product or treatment strategy discussed?
5. Are patient treatment recommendations included within this activity contributing to the overall improvements in patient care?


1. This activity included the involvement of two or more professions (reflective of the target audience) in its planning and presentation.
2. This activity intends to achieve outcome(s) that reflect a change in skill, strategy, or performance of the health care team and/or patient outcomes.
3. This activity includes opportunity(ies) for learners to learn with, from, and/or about each other.

Learning Objectives

1. Does the educational content support the learning objectives?
2. Are the learning objectives actionable and measurable?

Commendation Criteria

JAC 13
This activity engages patients as planners AND teachers in accredited IPCE and/or CE.
JAC 14
This activity engages students of the health professions as planners AND teachers in accredited IPCE and/or CE.
JAC 16
This activity includes a research/scholarship component related to accredited IPCE and/or CE and will disseminate findings through presentation or publication.
JAC 17
This activity includes the use of health and/or practice data of its own learners in the planning and presentation of accredited IPCE and/or CE.
JAC 18
This activity includes identification of, and addresses, factors beyond clinical care (e.g., social determinants) that affect the health of patients and integrates those factors into accredited IPCE and/or CE.
JAC 19
This activity is designed to address population health issues. Note: the population can be specific to a geographic area, disease state, or specific patient population.
JAC 20
This activity includes education that allows for direct observation AND formative feedback to optimize communication skills of learners.
JAC 21
This activity includes direct observation and formative feedback to optimize technical and procedural skills of learners.
JAC 24
This activity is designed to include healthcare quality improvement components.


Do any slides or other components of this activity need to be deleted or modified?
More information is noted below.
Are there any or other issues to be addressed regarding the content of this activity?
More information is included below.
I certify the above to be true and accurate.
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