For Patients

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PrEP Patient Education: 2-part Webisode

HIV health literacy is essential for people living with HIV (PLWH) to be able to navigate all of the information available, from testing and diagnosis to treatment options and outcomes. This series of webisodes seeks to promote patient education, focusing on the needs of diverse populations of PLWH, to empower learners and improve their understanding and HIV health literacy.


Staying Strong: Mastering Your HIV Medication Routine: 3-part Webisode

Living with HIV presents unique challenges, but with resources and support, leading a vibrant, fulfilling life larger than HIV is achievable for all.  This webisode series is designed to empower people living with HIV by providing practical strategies for maintaining antiretroviral therapy (ART, also known as ARV) medication adherence both in daily life and while traveling. Navigation of health insurance or the use of other programs to access the best care possible will also be addressed. Expert pharmacist and public health advocate Dr. Christina Madison, along with Doreen Moraa Moracha, a passionate HIV advocate and beautiful story living with HIV, discuss these topics and more in the series. Each webisode and associated resource materials will be available in both English and Spanish. 



Striking the Balance: Anticoagulation Therapy and Kidney Function

Your doctor has prescribed an anticoagulant, most likely a DOAC (direct oral anticoagulant) to prevent blood clots or stroke. But why is your doctor concerned about your kidneys? The answer is some of these medications can cause or worsen kidney problems if not dosed just right. This 1-page flyer shows the importance of balancing benefits and risks with these medications. Feel free to bring this resource to your next appointment and discuss it with your clinician.


Whiteboard Animation: Understanding AFIB

What on earth does a rapid heartbeat have to do with stroke? It’s a concept that’s not always easy to grasp. This short narrated whiteboard animation clearly spells out the relationship and can help you better understand both your condition and the treatments your doctor may prescribe.


2023 Beers Criteria Update: Key Reminders for Anticoagulation in CVD

The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIM) Use in Older Adults has been an important resource for clinicians since 2011. In the 2023 edition, the expert panel provided key updates for anticoagulation in cardiovascular disease. This handy pocket card summarizes these recommendations.


Shared Decision Making: Anticoagulation Conversation Starters

For many medical disciplines, shared decision making (SDM) is a keystone in contemporary clinician-patient communications. With an expanding menu of available anticoagulation options, including direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), SDM takes on even greater importance in counseling patients with NVAF and/or VTE. This 1-page resource outlines the SHARE approach to SDM, along with suggested conversation starters to keep your patients engaged and adherent to therapies.


What is PBC?

In this short video, you will learn about the liver, primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), common symptoms, the effects of this disease on the liver, outcomes if left untreated, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.




HIV Health Literacy: 3-Part Webisode

HIV health literacy is essential for people living with HIV (PLWH) to be able to navigate all of the information available, from testing and diagnosis to treatment options and outcomes. This series of webisodes seeks to promote patient education, focusing on the needs of diverse populations of PLWH, to empower learners and improve their understanding and HIV health literacy.


Whiteboard Animation: Protecting Your Heart in Type 2 Diabetes

Managing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is more than lowering blood sugar. In this short whiteboard animation, you’ll see the connection between T2D and cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart attack and stroke. The good news is that a combination of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and newer medications for T2D can both lower blood sugar and lower your risk of CVD.


How Does Depression Affect You?

Tackling Major Depressive Disorder can feel overwhelming. View this short video animation for guidance on how to get started with depression treatment and find a road to recovery that works for you.


HBVideo & Animations

Listen to international experts answer some common questions, address hepatitis-related issues around social stigmas, treatment disparities, and being a strong self-advocate.


Take the First Step: What to Expect from HIV Treatment

If you have tested positive for HIV, what next? Dr. David Wohl will help you understand what to expect from treatment, including why it is important to start treatment early and take your medicine every day, what you should look out for, and potential side effects of HIV treatment.

Access here.

Accede a este recurso en español aquí.


More Than Lowering Blood Sugar: 3-Part Video Series

Diabetes involves more than simply managing your blood sugar. Learn how to prevent and manage some of the additional heart health issues that can accompany diabetes.


My Journey with MDD: Theresa’s Story

The journey with depression looks different for everyone. Theresa is a patient leader and mental health advocate who was diagnosed with MDD at 14 years old. This is her story.


A Family Guide to Discussing Depression

The number of children and teens experiencing depression is on the rise, and many families are struggling to know how to help. This guide is designed to help families openly communicate about depression and support children and teens on the road to depression recovery.


What Is Depression?

Everyone feels sad or low sometimes, but these feelings usually pass with a little time. Depression (also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is different. Find out more in this informational guide to depression from the National Institute of Mental Health.


Mental Health Minute: Depression

Depression and its symptoms can feel complicated. But the National Institute of Health can give you a 60-second snapshot of common symptoms and treatment options.


Help Me, Help You, Help Me: Using Shared Decision-Making to Achieve the Best Outcomes in MDD

In this third webisode, Dr. McIntyre and Theresa are back with expert guidance on ways you can collaborate with your family, friends, and mental health care team to make the best treatment decision for long-term management of MDD.


I Am Talking, but You are Not Understanding: These are My MDD Treatment Goals

Join renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Roger McIntyre, and patient leader, Theresa, in this video webisode about working with your mental health provider to set depression treatment goals that matter to YOU.


Community HIV Health Training

Earn your Community HIV Health Training badge, and promote knowing your HIV status in the community, gain understanding of disease risk, treatment initiation and adherence.


Diabetes Resources

Your blood sugar levels can have myriad other impacts on your body’s systems, directly or indirectly. Your best defense is to keep your whole body as strong and healthy as possible, and above all, is heart health. Luckily, even some small daily changes can make a big difference.


Know Your HIV Status: Get Tested to Protect Yourself and Protect Others

Everyone should be tested for HIV at least once. Others with certain risk factors may need to be tested more often. Dr. David Wohl talks about the rationale for getting tested for HIV, where to get tested, the importance of preventing infection and transmission of HIV with pre-exposure prophylaxis if your HIV test is negative, and your treatment options if your test is positive.

Access Here.

Accede a este recurso en español aquí.


A Long Life Ahead: Thinking About Age and HIV

People with HIV are living longer because more individuals have been tested and treated with effective and safe antiretroviral (ART) medications. Understand the impact of HIV on the aging process, and how people living with HIV can live their best lives while maintaining their HIV therapies and treatment plans!

By filling out this form, you’ll be able to access a FREE video + slides presented by leading HIV expert, Dr. Christina Madison. Then, apply your newly learned skills and earn a Digital Badge, perfect for your resume, email signature, and more!


Hepatitis: Resources & Activities

Knowing what to expect around your diagnosis can help in many ways, from simply understanding the treatment options and understanding coinfection risks, to being a knowledgable advocate for yourself with your healthcare provider. Knowing really is half the battle.


Additional HIV Resources

Access various additional HIV Resources available to you!




Finding the Words

Watch as Drs. Sierra-Rosa and Christina Madison discuss strategies for talking to your healthcare provider about sexual wellness – available with English and Spanish closed captioning.


How To Use Your Voice In Your HIV Patient Journey

Watch as Drs. Sierra-Rosa and Madison discuss how people living with HIV can use their voice to become their own best advocate in HIV care – available with both English and Spanish closed captioning.

Download ‘Finding the Words: How to Use Your Voice in Your HIV Journey



Additional Sexual Health Resources


Access various downloadable Sexual Health Resources now!



Ready, Set, PrEP

Ready, Set, PrEP is the very first nationwide program launched by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(HHS)that offers PrEP medications to prevent HIV transmission for free to individuals who qualify. The campaign brings awareness to the program’s initiatives to expand access to PrEP medications and reduce new HIV transmission in an effort to help end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.


For more information and to enroll, patients may visit or contact 855-447(HHS)-8410.


How To Be A Good LGBTQIA+ Ally

An ally is one who knows and cares about an LGBTQIA person. For some, being an ally will be as easy as breathing. For others, it will take intentional effort.  To learn more about LGBTQIA+ allyship, download this free PDF guide.




Understanding Pronouns

Pronouns are the language we use in order to refer to other people. In order to avoid assuming someone’s pronouns based on factors like appearance, we should routinely share our pronouns and ask for the pronouns of others.

Learn more about common pronouns, the harm of assumptions, pronouns in the workplace, and more, in this free PDF guide.




An Animated Look at HIV

This easy-to-understand animated video will provide you with useful information to better understand HIV, its routes of transmission, and currently available prevention and treatment strategies.

Access Here.

Accede a este recurso en español aquí.




Power to the Patient! Taking Charge of Your PBC Care

In this series, you will hear from three patients about their individual journeys with PBC, including the burden of common and not-so-common symptoms, diagnostic delays and how to overcome them, and personal experiences with various treatment approaches. Importantly, you’ll learn …


MDD: Helpful Links & Resources Access the Psychiatrist Locator to find a physician in your area specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Read a helpful Q&A where expert psychiatrist Dr. Alan Gelenberg provides answers to common questions about depression from…

A Way Forward: How Naloxone Saves Lives from Opioid Overdose

Increasing access to naloxone is essential to reducing overdose mortality. Strategies for increasing access must be thoughtfully developed and deployed to ensure that naloxone is available to any at-risk individual—whether that be an individual with chronic pain or someone with …


Speak Up! What Patients with HIV Need to Know and Talk About with Their Clinicians

This program has been supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

HIV health literacy empowers people living with HIV (PLWH) to confidently navigate testing, treatment, and long-term care. This webisode series addresses common challenges faced by diverse …


A Patient Guide to Shared Decision Making (Spanish)

Shared decision making (SDM) is an important approach in healthcare that involves collaboration between patients and healthcare providers to make informed and personalized medical decisions. This resource will help you optimize your time with clinicians and ensure you cover all the aspects of care most important to you.

Download Resource (Spanish)


A Patient Guide to Shared Decision Making

Shared decision making (SDM) is an important approach in healthcare that involves collaboration between patients and healthcare providers to make informed and personalized medical decisions. This resource will help you optimize your time with clinicians and ensure you cover all the aspects of care most important to you.

Download Resource


ABCs of ILD Whiteboard Animation

Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) is a condition that affects the network of tissue in your lungs called the interstitium. The interstitium helps with your body’s exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. With ILD, you may have a variety of symptoms including persistent cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, or a feeling of chest tightness. The good news is that there are ways to slow down the progression of ILD, manage burdensome symptoms, and improve your quality of life. Check out this short whiteboard animation for an overview of ILD, and be sure to discuss any questions you have with your healthcare provider!

Access Whiteboard Animation


Patient Sexual Health Resources

We’ve developed a wide range of videos, tools and resources for ensuring safe and healthy sexual experiences. Webisode: Finding the Words

Watch as Drs. Sierra-Rosa and Christina Madison discuss strategies for talking to your healthcare provider about sexual wellness – …

Go to Resources