Patient Education

Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Health

Let’s get to the Heart of the Matter!

Did you know that type 2 diabetes is not just about controlling blood sugar? At the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health Patient Hub, you’ll find everything you need to learn about therapies that not only lower your A1C, but also reduce your cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.

You’ll learn from other patients who have been down this road before; find online assessment tools to learn about your individual risk, and how to reduce it. And be sure to download the other resources, including a shared decision-making guide that will make sure your busy doctor takes your cardiovascular health to heart.

Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Hub

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2023 Beers Criteria Update: Key Reminders for Anticoagulation in CVD

The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIM) Use in Older Adults has been an important resource for clinicians since 2011. In the 2023 edition, the expert panel provided key updates for anticoagulation in cardiovascular disease. This handy pocket card summarizes these recommendations.


Shared Decision Making: Anticoagulation Conversation Starters

For many medical disciplines, shared decision making (SDM) is a keystone in contemporary clinician-patient communications. With an expanding menu of available anticoagulation options, including direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), SDM takes on even greater importance in counseling patients with NVAF and/or VTE. This 1-page resource outlines the SHARE approach to SDM, along with suggested conversation starters to keep your patients engaged and adherent to therapies.


Striking the Balance: Anticoagulation Therapy and Kidney Function

Your doctor has prescribed an anticoagulant, most likely a DOAC (direct oral anticoagulant) to prevent blood clots or stroke. But why is your doctor concerned about your kidneys? The answer is some of these medications can cause or worsen kidney problems if not dosed just right. This 1-page flyer shows the importance of balancing benefits and risks with these medications. Feel free to bring this resource to your next appointment and discuss it with your clinician.


Whiteboard Animation: Understanding AFIB

What on earth does a rapid heartbeat have to do with stroke? It’s a concept that’s not always easy to grasp. This short narrated whiteboard animation clearly spells out the relationship and can help you better understand both your condition and the treatments your doctor may prescribe.


Whiteboard Animation: Protecting Your Heart in Type 2 Diabetes

Managing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is more than lowering blood sugar. In this short whiteboard animation, you’ll see the connection between T2D and cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart attack and stroke. The good news is that a combination of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and newer medications for T2D can both lower blood sugar and lower your risk of CVD.


More Than Lowering Blood Sugar: 3-Part Video Series

Diabetes involves more than simply managing your blood sugar. Learn how to prevent and manage some of the additional heart health issues that can accompany diabetes.


Diabetes Resources

Your blood sugar levels can have myriad other impacts on your body’s systems, directly or indirectly. Your best defense is to keep your whole body as strong and healthy as possible, and above all, is heart health. Luckily, even some small daily changes can make a big difference.