Clinician Education Hub

Virtual Education

Virtual Education

Certified Activity
Non-certified Activity
Patient Education
Expired Activity
Launch Date

The Role of Targeted Therapy in Health-related Quality of Life in Generalized Myasthenia Gravis

This educational initiative aims to enhance clinician competence in evaluating the efficacy and safety of FcRn and C5 complement inhibitors and integrating formal HRQoL assessments, such as the MG-QOL15r, into gMG management. By bridging these gaps, healthcare providers can optimize treatment strategies, improve patient outcomes, and address the unmet needs of those living with gMG. 


Casting the Net: Precision Medicine for Greater Outreach and Better Outcomes in IBD

In this third installment of a CMEO podcast series expert faculty will discuss strategies to better apply precision medicine to emerging IBD therapies such as TL1A inhibitors as a means of closing gaps in care.


Why Are We Still Talking About the Mycophenolate REMS in 2024

Please join a panel of expert multidisciplinary faculty in a compelling CMEO recorded webcast on how to better evaluate toxicity and pregnancy risks in patients taking mycophenolate, counsel patients of reproductive potential, monitor relevant pregnancies and patient reporting to the Mycophenolate Pregnancy Registry, and implement MREMS in clinical practice.


Versatility of Therapeutic uses of Costimulation Blockade in Kidney Transplantation

In this CME Outfitters recorded Grand Rounds series entitled, Versatility of Therapeutic uses of Costimulation Blockade in Kidney Transplantation, expert faculty will discuss strategies for identifying optimal immunosuppressive regimens, developing individualized management plans for patients who fail initial immunosuppressive therapy, and counseling patients with renal transplant on long-term immunosuppressive therapy.


Diagnostic Tools: A Process of Exclusion

In this CMEO BriefCase activity, join expert faculty Dr. Thorpy and Dr. Morse for a discussion on best practices to integrate appropriate assessments and tools to facilitate early diagnosis of IH.


Time is of the Essence: Avoiding Delays in Identification and Management of irAEs

In this CME Outfitters BriefCase, expert faculty will guide learners through a patient case involving an initial presentation of an irAE within the ambulatory care setting. This program will provide guidance to pharmacists working within a multidisciplinary care team on strategies for the triage and initial guideline-directed management of patients with a suspected irAE.




Tailoring irAE Care to Specific Patients

In this CMEO BriefCase, expert faculty will present information on how healthcare disparities impact irAE recognition and management and pharmacist considerations for social determinants of health relative to irAE diagnosis and treatment planning. Discussion will include strategies for addressing healthcare inequities in order to improve timely recognition and treatment for all patients experiencing irAEs.  


IrAEs in Emergency Medicine: Have You Missed It?

In this CMEO BriefCase, Drs. Pruitt and Wattana will guide learners through a patient case scenario reviewing the recognition of ICI exposure through focused medication history, signs and symptoms of irAEs, and principles of early, appropriate management and the importance of consultation with an oncology care team. This program will focus on the role of the ED pharmacist in making timely interventions for patients with irAEs seen in the emergency department including strategies for engaging with ED team members and for setting the patient up for a successful transition in care.


Child and Adolescent Vaccine Resources

Navigating the complexities of immunization schedules and engaging in shared decision-making with patients and caregivers can be challenging. These resources are designed to provide healthcare professionals with quickly accessible, easy-to-follow guideline recommendations and tools to improve understanding and empower conversations about vaccine hesitancy.


Quick Reference to the 2023 Updated American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines

Download additional tools and resources on pediatric/adolescent obesity.


Quick Clinician Tips for Talking to Children and Adolescents About Obesity

Download additional tools and resources on pediatric/adolescent obesity.


Team-Based Management of Short Bowel Syndrome

This downloadable resource contains useful information on team-based care of patients with short bowel syndrome, focusing on initiating and monitoring advanced pharmacotherapy with glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analogs.


Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: Acute Seizure Action Plan

This downloadable resource is a template created by Epilepsy Alliance America to help in the creation of an acute seizure action plan for patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

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