TAI HIV Aging Awareness Social Media Toolkit

Hello TAI,

We’re looking forward to partnering with you for #NHAAD. Please see below for graphics, copy, and a suggested posting schedule. Please reach out with any questions: boothg@cmeoutfitters.com

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YouTube: CME Outfitters

TikTok: @CMEOutfitters

Consider posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.When you post, please use our hashtag: #cmeoutfitters

CMEO HIV + Aging Activities/Resources

A Long Life Ahead: Thinking About Age and HIV

View the Slides

People with HIV are living longer because more individuals have been tested and treated with effective and safe antiretroviral (ART) medications. In this video, Dr. Madison explains the impact of HIV on the aging process, and how people living with HIV can live their best lives while maintaining their HIV therapies and treatment plans.

Pull the Levers That You Can: Managing HIV in an Aging Population

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In this CME Outfitters BriefCase, expert faculty will present a patient case focusing on the impact of comorbidities and how to individualize treatment regimens for aging patients with HIV, based on their specific needs and comorbidities.